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  • nimatoussi9

Goals Tracker - June 2022 Update

Updated: Jun 30, 2022

An Edit: Since originally writing this, I've been accepted to the University of Saskatchewan's MD Program, which changes things for me a bit. Relative to my May 2022 update, I've added in some new goals and taken out ones that no longer apply

At the end of my professional profile, I listed a set of goals that I'd be working towards in the medium/long-term. Having just completed my undergraduate degree, I thought I'd be a good time to update my progress, and add some new goals.


December 2021 Goals:

Find a Professional Niche

Getting waitlisted from medical school, and lacking a set-in-stone, long-term approach means that this goal remains unchecked. Achieving this goal is going to require (1) some more practical experience, which I believe I'm well-positioned to receive this summer, and (2) more success with second-entry undergraduate and/or masters programs this time around next year

Develop a meaningful, profitable side-endeavor

Learn French

Hike Panorama Ridge + Black Tusk

Map the System Case Competition



May 2022 Goals:

Personal Fitness

Having neglected personal fitness throughout the last semester, its time I get back in the gym/on the trails.

Hike Panorama Ridge + Black Tusk

Develop a meaningful, profitable 'side-endeavor'

Find my place in Saskatoon

Find a professional niche

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